Remove Link

Remove Link Request

Welcome to the “Remove Link Request” page of Usalia. If you have identified a link on our website that you believe should be removed, please read the following guidelines and complete the request form below. We take such requests seriously and will review them promptly.

Guidelines for Link Removal Requests

Before submitting a link removal request, please ensure that you meet the following criteria:

  1. Ownership or Representation: You must either be the owner of the content linked to or have the legal authority to request its removal. If you are representing someone else, you should provide documentation confirming your authority.
  2. Legitimate Reasons: Link removal requests will only be considered for legitimate reasons, such as copyright infringement, outdated information, or content that violates our website’s policies.
  3. Specific Information: Your request should include specific details about the link in question, including the URL, the page where it is located on our website, and a brief explanation of why you believe it should be removed.

Submit a Link Removal Request

To submit a link removal request, please complete the form below. We aim to process requests in a timely manner, but it may take some time to review and act upon them. Please provide accurate contact information, so we can communicate with you regarding your request.

Link Removal Request Form

  • Your Full Name:
  • Your Email Address:
  • Your Phone Number (optional):
  • Your Relationship to the Content (Owner, Authorized Representative, etc.):
  • URL of the Page Containing the Link:
  • URL of the Link You Want to Remove:
  • Reason for Link Removal:

Review Process

Upon receiving your link removal request, our team will review the information provided. If your request meets the guidelines mentioned above and is deemed valid, we will take appropriate action, which may include removing or updating the link. You will be notified of the outcome via the email address you provide in the form.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the link removal process, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.

Thank you for helping us maintain the quality and integrity of our website. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


The Usalia Team